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Postdoctoral Fellowship (Full-time)

  • We are seeking a postdoctoral research fellow to help lead an NIH-Funded research study (Brain Initiative R61) focusing on building technology that will allow for the capture of truly autobiographical experiences as they are made in real-world settings (e.g. museums, hikes, adventure) and synchronize these captured experiences with direct intracranial EEG brain recordings. The postdoctoral fellow would also have opportunities to work on novel studies of real-world cognitive neuroscience using direct brain recordings as participants with implanted iEEG recordings navigate the large, real-world spaces. They will also have the opportunity to learn to work with epilepsy patients undergoing iEEG monitoring in a hospital setting on projects aimed at understanding mechanisms of amygdala-mediated memory enhancement using direct brain stimulation. This position is renewable for 3-5 years and will involve leadership of a project across multiple institutions around the US (UCLA, UCSD, Utah). Ideal candidates for this position will have prior signal processing experience (iEEG, scalp EEG, biomedical signals), a background in cognitive neuroscience, interests in memory formation, and ecological studies of human behavior and cognition. For more information please reach out to Cory Inman at To apply, please send a cover letter and CV to We look forward to hearing from you!

Graduate Students

  • We will be reviewing graduate student applications this application cycle, but we may not have priority for graduate student recruitment this year. Please email with any questions.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

  • We are always open to Undergraduate students at local greater SLC universities seeking to gain research experience. If you're interested in learning about how you can get involved, please send us an email at


Virtual and Augmented Reality Game Designers

  • We are always seeking opportunities to work with motivated and innovated VR and AR game designers for our studies. If interested in designing environments, objects, and game play for bleeding-edge neuroscience research, please reach out to us at
Last Updated: 4/22/24